Climate indicator

Projection Period

Time periods for which projections are shown.

Reference period Projection period

Time scale

Select annual or monthly time scale

Emission Scenario

Select annual or monthly time scale


Region for which the transient and annual cycle is presented. You can also merge regions.

Regional climate model projections vizualized for the country scale

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Reference Period

Tasmean over the reference period 1986-2006. This map is based on the EWEMBI dataset.

Projected Change

Projected change in tasmean for 2031-2051 compared to the reference period 1986-2006. Here the ensemble mean of regional climate model projections is displayed.

Regionally Averaged Transient

Regional climate model projections for precipitation displayed as 20 year running mean. The line represents the ensemble mean while the shaded area represents the model spread. The projections are based on the emission scenario ssp245.

Regionally Averaged Annual Cycle

Top: Annual cycle of precipitation for the period 1986-2006. Bottom: Changes in annual cycle projected for 2031-2051 compared to the reference period 1986-2006. EWEMBI data is shown in black, regional climate model simulations in green. The green line represents the ensemble mean while the shaded area represents the model spread. The projections are based on the emission scenario ssp245.